Don’t miss these local Art events this weekend!
Art Squared is happening this Saturday (11/14)! You can get a jump on your holiday shopping and help support your local artists and makers.
The San Marcos courthouse lawn is hosting what is to be the first of two Art Squared Markets this month (the next one is set for November 28th.) There will be plenty of opportunities to fill your holidays with locally handmade art and wares.
If you can't make it out? You can shop online with many of our vendors here and here. Please remember to share these shopportunities with your friends, colleagues, neighbor groups and anyone you know who wants to support our local economy.
As with all public events during COVID-19, safety protocols will be followed, including spacing the vendor booths at least 10 feet apart, and requiring our vendors to wear masks. It is strongly requested that you extend the same courtesy and wear your mask too. Hope to see you there!
CPC Installation @Kissing Alley
Don't miss this traveling Photography Display produced by Christopher Paul Cardoza of The Martian Chronicle SMTX with assistance from Stephanie Symmes of SBS Select Services
Available for viewing right now (Friday 11/13) during Afternoon Set Up & Independent attendance throughout this weekend (thru 11/15). Scheduling FREE Portraits On Location Saturday November 14th from 9am - 3pm for project participants. Prints & Bookings are Available - Tips or Donations always Greatly Appreciated. Find out more here.
Find out more about other local art events and enjoyable art information for your edification in this week's newsletter from The San Marcos Art League.